April 15, 2011

Here Comes the Sun Hat

The long bleak winter in New York left me tingling in anticipation of spring.  Well I feel like this spring has finally sprung!  After a couple of mild and sunshiny days I am feeling optimistic for the warmer weather and the longer days ahead.  While spring and summer have a plethora of positive attributes, there is one thing that I try to avoid at all costs, excessive sun exposure.  I am a fair skinned Irish lass and the sun and my complexion have always been on bad terms.  I have managed to get thus far with only a few sunburns to my record and want to keep it at that.  However vigilant I have been though, I noticed in March that along my hair line was a patch of darker skin, not to mention the freckles appearing on my nose, hyper-pigmentation eek!  While I use SPF30 daily it got me thinking, maybe it wasn't enough?  Perhaps I should be wearing a hat as well when I am out in the sunshine.
I fully intend to high tail it to the dermatologist, but in the meantime I am seeking out some shade beneath the brim of a super stylish hat. Here are some of my fav's I have found thus far.  Just a note, all the hats below are sized; because one size fits all does not fit all.      

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